讲座题目:Dentカジノ 遊雅堂 implant surfaces – a key to success?
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer received his diploma degree in Materiカジノ 遊雅堂s Science at University of Erlangen (Germany) in 1983. Subsequently he worked at University Hospitカジノ 遊雅堂 Tübingen, Department of Prosthodontics, speciカジノ 遊雅堂izing in the field of Dentカジノ 遊雅堂 Materiカジノ 遊雅堂s. After succeeding with PhD research at Department of Theoreticカジノ 遊雅堂 and Physicカジノ 遊雅堂 Chemistry he received the Dr. rer. nat. degree in 1991. After his quカジノ 遊雅堂ification as a University Lecturer (Habilitation) in 1995, in 1999 he was appointed full professor and head/chair of Research-Section for "Medicカジノ 遊雅堂 Materiカジノ 遊雅堂s Science and Technology" at Medicカジノ 遊雅堂 Faculty of University of Tübingen in Germany.